Friday, February 8, 2013

100th Day of School

The lower grades buzzed with excitement last Tuesday -
the 100th day of school 

The children celebrated the milestone with projects
centering around the number 100.

Geometric constructions with 100 gumdrops in grade 2.

Kindergarten and a few of their 100 balloons!

Father Nathan March Visits School

Father Nathan March, Director of the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Portland, visited St. Brigid School last Monday. He answered questions about the priesthood, talking about his role in helping students discern their vocations and figure out how God wants them to use their lives.

Catholic Schools Week Competitions

Traditionally, there are two major competitions during Catholic Schools Week at St. Brigid: the 8th grade vs. staff volleyball game and Dancemania.

Both the students and the staff had an excited crowd of spectators for the volleyball game, with many children bearing signs in support of their teachers or 8th grade friends. With two games being played at once, there was a lot to cheer for! One game ended in a tie, and the staff won the other.

Dancemania is a favorite Catholic Schools Week activity. Each grade level was assigned a song and asked to create a dance. After practicing all week, the kids performed in front of judges who selected winners in various categories.

On Friday, the entire school gathered in the Fr. Hayes Center for the big competition. Trish Moulton, a parent who volunteered to run the event, called each group to the center of the gym to show off their moves. Performances were judged based on coordination, choreography, costumes and participation. The winners of the Spirit Sticks this year were Grade 7, grade 3 and Kindergarten. 

Students Distribute Care Packages for the Needy

Last week, St. Brigid School families collected items for the needy that they packaged and distributed at St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen in Portland.

The 7th graders packed over 150 gallon-sized bags of small essential items, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo and socks. They labeled the bags by gender and clothing size. On Friday, a group of 8th grade students took the bags to the Soup Kitchen and gave them to needy individuals. They also helped serve a meal and clean the facility.

The event was covered by the Presence Catholic Radio network and the Diocesan website.

Basketball Star Inspires St. Brigid Students

Jason Gibbons, known on the court as “White Shadow,” visited St. Brigid School on January 29th to demonstrate basketball tricks and motivate students to achieve their goals. He spoke to both the upper and lower grades in two separate programs.

Mr. Gibbons, who has performed for schools around the country, opened his programs by wowing the crowds with an exciting collection of basketball stunts. He invited a number of students to participate as well. Later, he spoke to the groups about not letting anything pull them from the path toward their personal goals. “Don’t do just enough to get by,” he advised. “Put in the work.”

Mr. Gibbons also reminded students to be grateful for what they have and of being Christians, describing how his own faith has helped him achieve great things in life. He suggested they be unafraid to take action, especially in the face of bullying. “Stand up from the crowd and find the strength to do what’s right.”